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How i treated depresion without medication

Updated on November 2, 2012

How i treated depression without medication

I used to believe that depression was something associated with women and children .Now i realize that it could happen to anybody .When specialists say depression is a silent killer ,they are not far from the truth. I used some methods which could be termed as unconventional to treat myself .what you are about to read is from the horses mouth .

Face of depression
Face of depression

How i treated depression without medication

Depression could happen to any body

When i hear about depression , i believed it was something associated with young people.That was my level of understanding as at that time. Never in my wildest dream did i believe it could happen to me.This shows that specialists are not far from the truth when they say depression is a silent killer . I looked quite normal outwardly but inside ,i knew i had lost all vigor .It hit me like a fast moving train. However, i can recollect vividly what lead me to that level .

I involved myself in the wrong deal which cleaned out my account and left me with a load of debt. As i was trying to get used to surviving with little income,creditors were at my neck .When my girlfriend discovered that push has turned shove ,she packed as many property as she could lay hands and showed me a clean pair of heels.All this stretched my endurance level to its elastic limit. Few days later , a terrible news came that my father has kicked the bucket

This was the last straw that broke the camel's back. I started having terrible headaches, heart palpitation , sleepless nights and lost of appetite . At the hospital, i was diagnosed with depression but there was no money to continue treatment . Consequently, i had to help myself with unconventional methods. Some of the methods i used include


Nothing helped me fight depression more than exercise, i ate ,lived and breathe exercise .Every night,when sleep refused to come, i did some pushups and it helped a lot. Apart from that,exercise helped to increase my body metabolism. The shape and fitness level that i got increased my self confidence and it gave me a new lease on life.

Drinking lots of water

If there was anything like water abuse,i was guilty of it .I drank one liter of water before i sleep and it helped to increase my appetite . Secondly, i realized that water is good to detoxify the body.Every morning as i woke up i noticed that the volume of water i release increased and it added energy to the pit of my stomach


I played a variety of music ,especially slow beat music . What i didn't need at that time was loud music.Most of the music i played were worship songs since i know the cause of my problem .When ever i play music i see myself in a new level of happiness.In fact i don't know what i would have done without music ,it was a life tonic.

Reading inspirational books

Uplifting books helped more than many other things in curing my depression. There was one particular inspirational book that really helped me a lot. I was able to understand that it is not what happens to you but how you handle what happens to you that makes all the difference.When they say if you are reading a good book you are conversing with the author ,it is not far from the truth. It came to my notice that most important personalities had passed through some lows in their life .This encouraged me and made me understand that it was just a passing phase

Avoiding self pity

Since i was not a child or a teenager ,i had to be strong ,looked neater and tidier than i have ever been .I also made sure my countenance didn't reveal to people that i was depressed .Besides, why would i let it out to people that i was depressed . Most people would enjoy seeing the spectacle .The rest could attribute it to some ill luck that i brought unto myself . By going it alone ,i avoided the fake pity of fake friends and it made my situation easier to handle.

This methods could be unconventional but they helped me a lot . Now ,there are books i don't read and musics i don't play because it brings me down and reminds me of my depression days. After 2months, i went back for check up and the doctor could not believe anyone could survive such levels of depression without normal treatment .

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